Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Montessori Coordination Playground Sets for 6 Years Old

Buy 20 coordination playground sets for 6 years old online. Compare all brands with the best prices & reviews. offers a complete overview of all Montessori coordination playground sets for 6 years old.


Age: 3-8 Years
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Age: 18 Months and Up
$110.00 Shipping
Age: 18 Months and Up
$110.00 Shipping
Age: 18 Months and Up
$110.00 Shipping
Age: 18 Months and Up
$110.00 Shipping
Coordination activities allow kids to develop and improve their movements. This promotes gross motor skills.
Children may begin doing coordination activities at the age of 6 months.
maria montessori image
"If children are allowed to do what they see done in the environment, they will perform a series of exercises which have no external purpose, but which are a preparation for the activity which is to follow. Children do these things, which appear to have no use, with great care and interest. There is a cycle of activity. These things may seem useless to us, but the child is preparing himself and preparing the coordination of his movements." Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures
Age: 2-10 Years
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Age: 3 Years and Up
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$229.99 $299.99
Age: 3-7 Years
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Age: 1-7 Years
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Age: 3-7 Years
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$204.99 $269.99
Age: 3-8 Years
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