Montessori Climbing Domes
Climbing domes are play structures designed for children to climb on. The structures are formed from sturdy pentagons that make a dome on the floor.
Climbing domes help in building physical skills and strength by using the arms and legs. The pentagon shape promotes problem-solving skills as children figure out which path is the best way to climb.
Age: 1-6 Years
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$46.92 Shipping
Smaller size climbing domes can be introduced to 1-year-olds. When the children outgrow the dome, it’s time to move on to a bigger dome at 3-12 years old.
"A three-year-old educated according to Montessori pedagogy, becomes master of his hand and undertakes with joy a variety of human activities. These activities allow him to develop the power of concentration." Maria Montessori, Citizen of the World