Runners Classic Wooden Bike
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Beautiful design
Solid birch plywood
Ages 2-5 years
Soft padded seat
12.5-inch pneumatic high-quality cross-country tires
All weather lamination and thicker lacquer
Weight: only 4.3 kg/9.47lbs
1-year warranty
No spoke wheels and steering stop for higher security
Dirt protection during the outdoor experience
Easy assembly
Seat adjustable from 12.5-inch to 15.0-inch
Extension seat available with extra 1.5-inch height
Cool bell
All material eco-friendly
The beautiful wooden Runners-Bike also known as a balance bike is a toddler-sized vehicle that any child who can walk can enjoy. A tricycle eliminates the need for balance. The Runners-Bike helps the child to learn to balance. The scariest part of learning to ride a bike is the out-of-control feeling of not having your feet on the ground. The balance bike enables the rider to learn to coast and steer with the confidence of knowing the ground is right under their feet.
Runners Classic Wooden Bike
- Pre-Assembled
- High-Quality
- Child-Friendly
- Eco-Friendly
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