Little Red Lullaby Personalized Bunny Busy Book
$23.56 Shipping
This felt Bunny Busy book is the perfect gift for a girl or boy.
The book is made as a little bunny house and comes with a cute little stuff bunny that can move around the page as you do.
Busy Books can help with
Developing fine-motor skills and finger-type grabbing;
Stimulates senses with bright colors and different textures;
Practice memory, logic, and mental agility;
Practice attention, sound, tactile, and visual perception;
Pages and removable elements are soft and pleasant;
Develop creativity and allow to personalize the play due to the interests of child.
Bunny's House has lots of removable items and is very detailed (clothes, like food, and many others).
Cover page with front of the house
Kitchen and dining room
Playground and park
Back page
Age Recommendations
For children starting from 2 years old.
Little Red Lullaby guarantees the quality and safety of their books. In any case, in order to avoid any troubles, do not leave small kids playing unattended.
Attention! The book contains small removable details. Please provide a safe play area and supervise children when they are playing.
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