Montessori Balancing Indoor Activities for 1 Year Old
See all 233 Montessori balancing indoor activities for 1 year old. offers a complete overview of all activities with descriptions, benefits and age recommendations. Find all Montessori balancing indoor activities for 1 year old.
Balancing activities are a fun way to develop gross motor skills, balance, and coordination.
Age: 6 Months-7 Years
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Balancing activities are suitable for children aged 1 year and older.
Age: 18 Months and Up
$15.00 Shipping
$15.00 Shipping
"Exercises in keeping their balance and in analysing their various movements helps the children to perfect all their acts. They force a child to use his organs of balance and accustom him to pay attention to his every move." Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child
Age: 12 Months and Up
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Free shipping
Age: 1-3 Years
$17.50 Shipping
$17.50 Shipping
Age: 18 Months and Up
$15.00 Shipping
$15.00 Shipping
Showing 31 to 60 of 392 results