Montessori Toys, Materials & Furniture

Tiny Expressions Giant Activity Poster Garden Themed


Ages: 3 Years and Up
$6.99 Shipping

Montessori Tiny Expressions Giant Activity Poster Spring Themed

Garden Fun

Keep kids engaged and having fun this spring! They can custom color or paint this adorable huge banner and be entertained for hours. Tiny Expressions spring banner garden seeds, flowers, a birdhouse, kites, trees, birds, and a beautiful blooming tree!


Big Coloring Banner

Your order includes one 30 x 72 inches large paper coloring poster. Its big size doesn't just help create a large arts and crafts area, it also can serve as a tablecloth, keeping your table clean from the kids' messes.


Classroom Activity

This poster is perfect for classroom parties and crafts! Homeschooling this year? It also makes a great art activity for home school or spring-themed parties.


Fun Keepsake

Parents or teachers can hang this on their wall or bulletin board as a fun decoration to enjoy throughout the season.


Premium Paper

Tiny Expressions uses high-quality paper that is thick enough to withstand bleeding through markers or acrylic paint. Tiny Expressions coloring banners are proudly designed by moms in the USA.

Tiny Expressions Giant Activity Poster Garden Themed

  • High-Quality
MontiPlanet Product ID: 24565

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